Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 8

MONKEY!! Knit monkey, that is.

Created by knitter1, who friended me on today. Monkey was installed on June 11th in the middle of Little Finland, across the street from local hotspot of Finish cuisine, the Hoito. [The term "hotspot" is debatable depending on what you think of Finn food or the Hoito but if you want to eat lunch here you gotta stand in line so I think it fits.] Today is a rainy June 22nd so poor monkey has stretched out and slipped down the poll but I think we can all agree that he is still freakin' cute!

1 comment:

Rogue Knitter said...

I recognize that guy! ;-)
I think he's crying out for help. I see a midnight mission in my future. ;-)


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